The Power of Positive Energ


1) When you get up in the morning, looking at the Sunrise give thanks for another day of peace and possibilities. With your arms and hands open repeat 10 times as convincing as possible the sentence: “Today I’m feeling well and I’m going to feel better.”

Think of your love ones that have passed and visualize them smiling and loving you as they did when they were alive, and imagine them sending you all the love and positive energy of the universe trough the Sun.

Concentrate on something that you would like to change in your life (have more patience, quit smoking, exercise, eat better, etc.).

2) Tell yourself what will be your purpose and goals for the day.

3) Live with the three E’s: positive Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.

4) Learn to answer positively and not complain.

5) Get to sleep as best as possible.

6) Focus on learning, loving, growing and serving.

7) Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do, life is a gift not an obligation.

8) Smile and laugh more, they are natural anti-depresants.

9) Enjoy the ride through life, so make the best out of it.

10 Commandments of Natural Nutritional Healing


Any where that this diet is introduced in the World, results in increase of metabolic deceases like: diabetes, hypertension, obesity & cardiovascular disease; also known as western diet, this way of eating leads to inflammation, nutritional deficiencies and excess consumption of prescription drugs.


Avoid antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, they can create alterations of the intestinal flora and future resistance to new strains of bacteria.


Avoid touching or breathing of burning coal, gasoline, tar, pesticides, cleaning products, deodorizers etc.


Have your blood tested for the content of mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and gold, in regards to their possible toxicity.


Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar, as you are going to use the majority of energy in the morning and slow down in the evening.


Avoid the consumption of processed foods as much as possible and when selecting produce look for the organic option when available.

Why have a cup of coffee or tea to get a little stimulation if you are going to have decaf (with the process that it implies)? It is better to have a cup of hot or cold cocoa (using a natural blend that does not contain high fructose corn syrup) and herbal teas.


Stay away from gluten as much as possible so you can experience the difference in your digestive system and level of energy. This is also great to help loose excess weight.

If your body tolerates it well, you can treat yourself once in a while. Whole grain gluten products are best and also don’t be afraid to try gluten free alternatives. Remember moderation is key!


Yoga, meditation and positive thinking are great to shed stress.


Developing the appropriate exercise routine for you is great because it keeps the body able to function physically…hopefully forever!

Include aerobics like, walking, jogging, swimming etc. for 30 minutes 5 days a week, best early in the morning, concentrate on the breathing count to 4 when inhaling and count to 3 when exhaling, that will create habit to avoid shallow breathing and help with stress.

Include resistance exercise like machines or free weights (machines are better for beginners) to build muscles, increase blood flow to the bones and keep joints lubricated.


Saunas and Steam rooms are great to perspire and eliminate toxins.

Fasting for one day once a month with lemon water is a great way to cleanse and reset your metabolism.

5 Tips on How to Cure Acne

  1. Avoid fried foods (eat foods boiled, baked or broiled)
  2. Avoid sodas (drink water and ad fresh lemon squeezed into it)
  3. Avoid sweeteners, especially high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners (if you have to use a little brown organic sugar)
  4. Avoid refine carbohydrates (eat sweet potatoes, yuca, malanga, brown rice)
  5. Avoid Trans fats, excess dairy or excess red meats (eat fish, turkey, eggs or beans as protein)

If after clearing your skin (approximately one month with this diet) you feel like treating your self, try to consume foods as close to nature as possible.


  1. Olive oil or butter; never margarine.
  2. Whole grain or sprouted grains bread
  3. Food fried in olive or canola oil and accompany with a good salad
  4. Ice cream as natural as possible
  5. Sweets made from natural ingredients.

If you are over doing it, your skin will be the judge, in that case come back to the healthy routine.