The Power of Positive Energ


1) When you get up in the morning, looking at the Sunrise give thanks for another day of peace and possibilities. With your arms and hands open repeat 10 times as convincing as possible the sentence: “Today I’m feeling well and I’m going to feel better.”

Think of your love ones that have passed and visualize them smiling and loving you as they did when they were alive, and imagine them sending you all the love and positive energy of the universe trough the Sun.

Concentrate on something that you would like to change in your life (have more patience, quit smoking, exercise, eat better, etc.).

2) Tell yourself what will be your purpose and goals for the day.

3) Live with the three E’s: positive Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.

4) Learn to answer positively and not complain.

5) Get to sleep as best as possible.

6) Focus on learning, loving, growing and serving.

7) Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do, life is a gift not an obligation.

8) Smile and laugh more, they are natural anti-depresants.

9) Enjoy the ride through life, so make the best out of it.

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