5 Tips on How to Cure Acne

  1. Avoid fried foods (eat foods boiled, baked or broiled)
  2. Avoid sodas (drink water and ad fresh lemon squeezed into it)
  3. Avoid sweeteners, especially high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners (if you have to use a little brown organic sugar)
  4. Avoid refine carbohydrates (eat sweet potatoes, yuca, malanga, brown rice)
  5. Avoid Trans fats, excess dairy or excess red meats (eat fish, turkey, eggs or beans as protein)

If after clearing your skin (approximately one month with this diet) you feel like treating your self, try to consume foods as close to nature as possible.


  1. Olive oil or butter; never margarine.
  2. Whole grain or sprouted grains bread
  3. Food fried in olive or canola oil and accompany with a good salad
  4. Ice cream as natural as possible
  5. Sweets made from natural ingredients.

If you are over doing it, your skin will be the judge, in that case come back to the healthy routine.